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Green-First Technologies Inc.

Kyle's System Picture Gallery

 battery bank

Kyle gets connected...

Have a look at the steps taken to get Kyle on solar power. Once having no electricity at his remote cabin, Kyle now enjoys free power from sunshine while being able to watch television, play gaming systems, have good lighting in the home as well as run a small refrigerator.

Features of Kyle's system

  • 690 watts solar power
  • 5 year full warrantee with service included
  • 10.4 KW power storage
  • 3 KW pure sine wave 115VAC with underground wiring leading to residence
  • Compliant with Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) regulations.

charge controller

Charge controll in place...

preparing inverter wires

Preparing output cables...

preparing panel wires

Get panels ready...

unconnected panels

Panels look good so far...

Preparing wires for panels

Preparing to connect panels...

grounding is finished

Don't forget to ground both panels and circuit separately...

finished product

There we go!

Try it! You won't be disappointed!

Contact us at for more information on our customer-oriented solar system installation.